Play time

Ah, Mom do I have to pose for one more picture....? I would rather go and play! My new favorite sound is a monkey sound "Ooh ooh Ahh Ahh"
"Ba Ba Ba"

Tegan gets so excited when she eats her bottles It may be hard for her to give them up soon. (She only drinks formula in them.) She takes everything else out of a sippy cup, so I hope that eases the transition. She sure is a well fed baby. These days she eats almost anything we do. We recently found that she LOVES hot dogs!
Little Reader

pop outs are great for board/ foam books
Princess castle

Ok, so this Princess Castle was supposed to wait for her birthday with the other toys but I couldn't resist. She loves to play peek-a-boo with me in it.
Daddy time

Tegan and her DaDaDa out for a walk.