Monday, October 31, 2005
Friday, October 28, 2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Thomas tries this whole new technology thing

Well, we went to the doctor today and Tegan is very happy and VERY healthy at 12 lbs 8 oz (97th percentile) an 24 inches (95th percentile). Wow, she's big! Tegan smiles a lot, coos a lot, and poops a lot! Just what a Daddy wants! Anyway, here's a picture of my grandma (my dad's mom), my mom, my wife and my daughter... 4 generations of Whitby's. Ok, well I hope you all enjoy!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Tegean, Thomas, and Tori

Well this is what occupies most of our day.... not much yet! I will keep everyone posted on any new news... Oh yah, Tegan rolled over again (her 3rd time) from her tummy to her back...she got pretty upset when she couldn't roll back. How sweet it is when they are so dependant on grownups to do everything for them. Tegan will have another weigh-in on October 19th I will post her new Weight and Height... any guesses...? Email us at I hope everyone is enjoying this site. A special warm welcome to friends and family on Nikkie's side. Feel free post your comments too!